Starting fresh

Well, here I am, starting another weight loss effort. This will be the one that works. I am tired of being fat. I do not want my kids to be the kids with the fat mom.

Weight Watchers has worked for me in the past, so that's what I'll be doing again this time. Shawn is doing it with me, which makes it so much easier.

My first goal is to be in a size 16 dress (or smaller) for Courtney and Tara's wedding on August 22nd. This means I'll need to lose roughly 50 lbs. in 8 months. That's a little over a pound and a half a week, which is very do-able.

I need to succeed this time. For my health and well-being. My kids deserve to have a mom who can fully participate in everything they want to do, and doesn't have to skip the rollercoasters because she can't fit in the seats. Or sit on the sidelines while they play games because she's too tired to run with them.

2009 will be my year of weight loss. It's time.